Actual conversation: “Hey guys want to play a game called MLB Survivor Pool? You pick three series a weekend and only need to get two right to move on.” Unanimous response, “Sure, that’s sound easy”. Well, here’s a recap of last week;

That tweet was from one of the four who survived (we started with nine). So we will start with his picks.

Pedro Dorantes:

  • D-Backs over Mets: I can see the Mets winning the opening game of the series, specially with deGrom on the mound. Other than that, Arizona wins 2-1 without much difficulty
  • Rockies over Giants: They seems to have a slight edge in regards to pitching for the entire series. If they are able to keep guys like Evan Longoria and Brandon Belt from driving in runs they could take the series.
  • Tigers over Mariners: This one will come down to their support players and a good effort from their pitching staff. Tigers win

Tony Ducey

  • From Group A: Yankees over Royals- The Yankees are back I think it’s safe to say. The Royals are living up too their name in that they’re playing royally bad.
  • From Group B: Cubs over Reds- The Reds have been playing better as of late but the Cubs should put an end to that.
  • From Group C: White Sox over Rangers- No reason really, just that I expect the White Sox to win the battle of the also rans.

What are these groups Tony is talking about? They were introduced in this version of the pool to make sure everyone did not just pick the top teams. Here’s the photo of them;

Len Nunes

  • Angels over Rays; betting against the Rays is a safe bet 93% of the time. With all the hype surrounding the Angels proven superstar Mike Trout and new unproven superstar Shohei Ohtani, a loss of this series would send many fairweather fans back in search of their Dodgers hat.
  • Cubs over Reds; as I Canadian, I’m still fuming over Joey Votto’s anti-canadian baseball rant and completely predictable apology mere hours later. I’m not a Cubs fan but I hope the Reds get the stuffing knocking out of the them.
  • White Sox over Rangers; I just traded for Jose Abreu in my fantasy league. That has to mean something right?

Ben Ferguson

  • Yankees over Royals: Is there really any need for any justification for this pick? Unless the Yankees whole order fails to show up there is no chance they drop this series. I’m so certain, I feel confident that the Yankees won’t drop a single game to the Royals this weekend. As much as I dislike the Yankees its hard not to take them here considering they’re sitting on top of the AL.
  • Braves over Marlins: It’s a common theme to pick against the Marlins, but can anyone blame a person for doing so? Aside from the Red Sox, there isn’t another team that has showed consistent scoring like the Braves have. Ozzie Albies, Freddie Freeman, and Nick Markakis SHOULD have themselves quite the weekend. Hell, even Bautista may benefit from this match-up if he’s in the line-up this weekend.
  • Rangers over White Sox: This series can go either way. Texas is bad, but the White Sox are worse. Even with Hamels not seeing a start (as of Thursday) the Rangers should be able to take this series. This pick wouldn’t have happened had Hamels not been scratched. Doug Fister was set to open the series on Friday, Fister has given up 9 runs and 4 long balls over the past two outings.

New contestant alert!! Brett from r/edmonton (reddit)

  • Group A is the second most obvious choice with Boston. They are playing the truly awful Orioles. Even though they are kind of cold right now (what are they like 11-9 in the last 20?) the Orioles are just worse.
  • Group B I’m going with Washington. They are kind of hot right now, and they are playing against an awful Dodgers team. The rest of the match-ups in this group seem a bit closer.
  • Group C - This is a match-up pick. The Texas Rangers will beat the White Sox because… well, the white sox are bad. Texas is bad, but the white sox are far worse.
MLB Survivor Pool Edition 2 Week 2 (Barely)
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