Flat Track Fever hits Calgary Friday May 10th until Sunday May 12th. Flat Track Fever is Alberta’s largest flat track roller derby tournament. Oil City Roller Derby (OCRD) is sending a mixed gender team down south to compete in the
The Not-So-Technical-and-Still-Incomplete Guide To Watching Roller Derby

Ladies and gentleman, I’ve watched my first Roller Derby game in over a decade, and only have one question. How the heck does it not get more fans in attendance?! My wife and I attended the Oil City Roller Derby
Oil City Roller Derby 2019 Lotus Invitational Teams
The big day is almost here! Saturday April 27 is the 2019 edition of the Oil City Roller Derby‘s Lotus Invitational. I will save you the link click and give you the “Coles Notes” version of what the Lotus Invitational
2019 Lotus Invitational - Oil City Roller Derby
Oil City Roller Derby (OCRD) puts the spotlight back on themselves with their next event on Saturday April 27th. First and foremost, OCRD are putting the spotlight on a fallen member with a secondary focus being put on new incoming
An Unofficial State Of The Union Address On Roller Derby
Usually an article links its previous articles about a subject at the end of an article. The subject is Roller Derby. HERE and HERE are the two links to previous stories written about the sport. They are being placed at